Thursday, October 15, 2009

30 Rock Premiere: IT'S BAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!!

30 Rock returned tonight and all of us coastal, liberal, yuppie, media elites rejoiced. Oh how we rejoiced! 30 Rock is fresh off it's 3rd consecutive Best Comedy Emmy and tonight the show was firing on all cylinders. I would say let's talk about what worked and what didn't, but I can't find fault with the episode, so let's talk about my favorite parts:

Liz and Pete. I loved how these two sneaking around automatically equaled affair to everyone else (in reality they were trying to find a new cast member who would appeal to Middle America). Even better, Pete's wife showing up and saying she would let Liz into a threesome if that's what Pete wanted. If I were Liz, I wouldn't have been so quick to dismiss. She isn't getting any younger and we all know how much she wants a baby......just kidding!

Tracy trying to commune with the regular folk. Someone who lights money on fire for fun trying to befriend us huddled masses could have gone poorly, but Tracy Jordan is just so bat shit crazy that it is nothing but funny. See the quotes below for some of my favorites from him tonight.

The page strike. I liked this plot because:
  1. It's topical. The Wall Street bonus controversy is beginning to rear its ugly head once more. I'm not going to get political and take sides, but I will say, I love the idea of a strike whose sole goal is to get someone to admit they're a liar, rather than any kind of monetary reward.
  2. It featured Jack, and Jack is funny.
  3. Kenneth talked in a weird, bizarre Southern accent. It was funnier than it sounds.
Jenna going country. Just another chance for her to indulge her unrestrainable narcissism. Love it.

Cheesy blasters. These were mentioned in the opening scene. I've noticed a pattern involving Liz Lemon and cheesy things: she gets excited about them, eats them, then complains about how they hurt her stomach and will eventually make her go to the bathroom. I know for Liz, sometimes food is a metaphor for something bigger. I wonder what cheese stands for. Also, have we seen Liz talk about the yogurt that makes you poop? I think she would have an opinion on that.

And now, since it is getting late, let's move on to the quotes:

"Don't look at me in the eyes."--Tracy to the guy in the comedy club. This is because Tracy Jordan is actually Medusa, except instead of turning into stone, you'll start to think people are Muppets.

"Thanks to Comrade Obama's recession, we've had to cut overtime for pages."--Jack. Hey now, Jack, the recession started before he got elected. We can't keep giving him credit for things he hasn't accomplished, can we?

"Liz's uterus fell out."--Pete to Cerie when she asked what he and Liz were talking about. Cerie thought she already new that. I think to Cerie "uterus" must equal "dignity."

"My dear friend Moby opened up a tea house in Park Slope. Does he know you?"--Tracy. (1) Moby would and (2) Tracy wouldn't be friends with him, he'd steal his glasses and tea.

"Bonus means extra. I know that...from game shows."--Kenneth. So do I, Kenneth, so do I.

"You do not want to mess with me right now. I'm in the middle of a raging period......of economic turnmoil."--Jack. Hehehehehe.

"Shut up, shut up, here it comes."--Liz to Jack about Jenna. That's because Jenna is a banshee and therefore not actually a female. Either that or Damien grown up and cross-dressing.

"Are you a large child or a small adult?"--Tracy to an Asian woman on the street. L-O-fucking-L. Teresa? Lanie? Lois? Any answers?

Are you a pre-op trans centaur?"--Tracy again. No, Tracy, he's a post-op faun. Learn your mythical creatures dammit.

"There you go. Case closed, Pete and I are intercoursing each other."--Liz to the writers. The way she says "intercoursing" just gets me all hot and bothered ;)

"Do it now when she's drunk on attention...or in an hour when she's just drunk."--Pete to Liz about telling Jenna they're hiring another cast member. Drunk is drunk in my book.

"If it's a blond woman, I will kill myself!! AAAAHHHH!!!"--Jenna, about the potential new cast member. Do you think she would react the same way if it was her clone?

"If it's a blond woman, I will kill myself!"--Tracy, about the potential new cast member. I love how these two think alike.


So what did you all think? Did you all love it as much as I did? Also, didn't anyone notice Jack call the new mammogram machine GE was manufacturing the "Git-R-Done 3000?" Priceless.