I'm worried about Damages. The frame story isn't strong, it isn't being used consistently, and the subplots are confliciting and distracting. It's like there are three different people arguing about what the season should about:
"This season is about Ellen's revenge!"
"No, it's about Ultima National Resources!"
"No it's about Patty versus Purcell!"
Even more troubling is the continued presence of Darrell Hammond, who I cannot look at without hearing "Like my friend, Joe the Plumber" from those SNL skits. It's terrible. The reintroduction of Katie Conner and the creepy cops from last season, while necessary, also make it feel like the show is moving backward. I think this show works the best when it has one plot to have it's characters conspire around. All this other stuff is distracting.
I'm going to ignore the questions format tonight, because the episode was pretty straightforward. Instead there are three things I would like to address:
1) Claire Maddox is a Naughty Girl
She is. She dumps Purcell, saying things have gotten too complicated. There are rumors that she's sleeping with Kendrick (which I don't think are true, but hey, you never know). Then she lets the young waiter from dinner take her home, and then leaves him to go smoke a cigarette alone. I bet she's freaky nasty. Since she seems a little older than a traditional cougar, I will from here on refer to her as Jaguar. Jaguar also totally had Patty's number about filing a shareholder lawsuit. That reminds me.....
What. The. Fuck. Patty Hewes is one mean, mean, mean bitch. She humiliated this man, took everything he had away from him, and now he's willing to work with her? My guess is that he thinks he'll be able to take over UNR once Kendrick is ousted, which will never happen. I also think this is a way for Patty to start fucking with Ellen, because I think Patty knows Ellen is working with the Feds, given that Ellen insists on getting into random cars with them in broad daylight. If so, Patty is the BEST VILLAIN EVER, because that is cold. Cold, cold, cold.
3) Glenn Close is Scary Amazing
I know, I know you're sick of hearing this, but I just wanted to call out one thing: the courtroom scene at the end, when Patty is staring at Kendrick sizing him up, that was by far one of the best moments of the episode and didn't even require dialogue. I think I might be able to watch a show that solely consisted of Glenn Close making faces at people, because as I've said before, she says more with a single look than most people say with a 2 minute monologue. They should get Daniel Day Lewis on this show so he can make some of Daniel Plainview faces at her and she could make her Patty faces at him and we could all watch in awe.
Ok, so I'm going to stop there. I CANNOT WAIT FOR NEXT WEEK WHEN ELLEN FINDS OUT ABOUT FROBIE. IT'S GOING TO BE AWESOME. (And will hopefully assuage some of my fears about the show).