The Good:
- Kevin using Jim's office as a place to fart. I LOLed (or lolled as I like to say) at that one. Also, the fact that Kevin got Jim's credit card cancelled? HILARIOUS, albeit unfortunate for Jim, who was on his honeymoon with Pam, because they got married last week. Did I mention they got married? :) :)
- The Italian-American insurance agent. I may not have mentioned this, but I happen to be Italian-American. My family is from Brooklyn--Bensonhurst to be specific--and I grew up eating pasta with red sauce 3 to 4 nights a week. Fuggedaboudit. So seeing someone who represents my background walk into Michael's office was FANTASTIC. Additionally, his presence prompted Michael, Dwight, and Andy to all try to order gabbagool (aka, capicola, a spicy Italian ham) at the restaurant. My mother likes to say the word gabbagool to remind me where I came from. Yeah, this was a nice turn of events.
- Michael and the rest of the office thinking the insurance agent was in the Mafia. Come on, everyone knows insurance leaves too big of a paper trail. And you can't hide bodies in offices like you can in garbage dumps and concrete foundations of buildings. I'm just saying. Also, this went on for way too long. Way too long.
- No Jim and Pam. I know, I know, they were on their honeymoon, and we got to hear their voices, but, as I've said, they are the primary reason I still watch this show, so a week without them cannot be a good week in my book.
- The feeling that nothing really happened tonight. This episode felt very much like filler, which I guess is understandable given that the wedding happened last week, but it still not pleasing.
"What you people don't know about business, I could fill a book with."--Michael. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, Michael.
"Jim's on his honeymoon, so I started borrowing his office to fart in."--Kevin. HAHAHAHA. HA. HA.....HA
"For the record, not all Italian-Americans are in the mafia."-Oscar. Nope, just in the restaurant, construction, and waste management businesses.
'R is among the most menacing of sounds. That's why they call it "murder" not 'muckduck.' "--Dwight
"Criminals are like racoons, give them a taste of cat food and soon they'll be back for the whole cat."--Dwight
"I want the gabbagool."--Michael. I'm not quite sure how to spell the way this sounds, this is the closest I can get. It does sound as funny as it looks here though I promise. And it tastes delicious.