I'm practically jimping, that's how good that episode was. Seriously, it was like head and shoulders above any episode thus far this season. There are several factors that contributed to this. I will take each in turn:
1. The believable yet slightly absurd but always hilarious plot. Lily and Marshall get into an argument over washing the dishes that spirals into an argument about a whole bunch of other stuff. Realistic? Yes. Hilarious? Yes. Robin and Barney do very weird things to stop themselves from arguing. (Barney abruptly walks out of the room, and Robin takes off her clothes.) Realistic? A little bit, although their methods are extreme. Hilarious? Yes. Also, I loved the juxtaposition of these two couples: one so good at being in a relationship that it's sickening versus one just starting out that has a lot of roadblocks to normalcy in its way. It was nice to see everyone make up in the end.
2. The newly-invented term. From this evening's episode, it was "playing the bagpipes," a euphemism for having sex very loudly, and "new relationship smugness," thinking your new relationship is better than all others. Based on the quality of the episode, I think they will quickly join the ranks of "reading a magazine," Old King Clancy, Lemon Law, and last but not least The Hot-Crazy Scale.
3. The inside jokes. At one point in the episode, Ted and Marshall make a slap bet. Now, you may remember that there was a running slap bet between Marshall and Barney that started back in season two--you know, right around the time that this happened. It was nice to see that concept brought up again.
4. The fast paced dialogue. Seriously, tonight felt like a joke-a-minute episode, but not in a way that felt rushed, but in a way that makes me want to go back and watch the episode over and over and over again.
So for me those are the four criteria for a fantastic HIMYM episode and tonight we saw all of them in play. And in case you were wondering, I totally side with Lily. Dirty dishes go right in the dishwasher, leaving them in the sink attracts flies.
I will leave you with some quotes:
"Hell I've forgotten more about microwaving fat-free popcorn and watching Sandra Bullock movies than you'll ever know."--Marshall to Barney.
'You can't fight if you're not there, that's what Gandhi taught us." "Well that's not true."--Barney and Ted
"Call me crazy." "Crazy."--Marshall and Ted. HAHAHAHAHA.
"There are so many great things to do with the human mouth, why waste it on talking."--Barney. UP TOP.
"You're right, I'll do the dishes....right after I do this."--Lily to Barney is his fantasy (which kind of sounds like my fantasy, except maybe we both wash the dishes. Ok, fine I wash the dishes because I know she won't do it right. There, happy now?)
"Barney...with his crazy well thought out theories that probably might work."--Marshall about Barney
'We spent the whole weekend cuddling by the fire. No black diamonds, but a lot of red hearts."--Robin. This is when I threw up. Just FYI.
"It's like Gandhi said, smile don't cost nothing sugar." "I'm not sure you know who Gandhi is."--Barney and Ted
"I knew you were lying. You've got to wake up pretty early to slip one by the T-Mos." "Stop it."--Ted and Robin. Don't worry T-Mos, V-Dog approves of the nickname.
"You're dirty, maybe I should leave you in the sink."--Lily to Marshall. You can leave me in the sink anytime, Lil. Oh yeah, UP TOP.