Sunday, October 21, 2007

And I've Always Thought of Watching This Show as a Relgious Experience.

Hey, America, you'll watch Women's Murder Club, but you won't watch FNL? What's wrong with you? Tell me, please, so I can help you fix it.

For those of you who do watch BSE (Best Show Ever), let's discuss how much we loved this week's episode, because we all should have loved it. Or at least most of it. Here's the list of things we liked:
  • Lyla trying to get Tim to go to her church. Additionally, Tim going to Lyla's church and then later using the line that he feels closer to God when he's with her. And I thought these two were headed for a reunion. Oh well.
  • The way the show presented Lyla's church. I had a nice discussion with a friend about this, and I really feel like it was an objective presentation. I think that when religious institutions like this one are depicted in the media, it's often with an inherent bias towards derision which I didn't really feel here. Kudos, show.
  • Mrs. T slapping that little bitch Julie. Girl needed a reality check. I know if I came home after 3 a.m. when I was in high school, I would have gotten a lot more than a slap. Also, the way Mrs. T broke down b/c she hit Julie. Lady's losing it and Coach had better get home to take care of her. Speaking of which,
  • Coach making a deal with the devil, i.e., Buddy Garrity, to get his old job back.
  • Matt hitting Smash at the end of the game. Just because I like the rivalry, and b/c it shows the people of Dillon how bad the new coach is for the team.
Two things I didn't like:
  • The way the relationship dynamic between Matt and his grandmother's nurse seems to be heading. It's bad enough that the show has one soapy plotline (Landry and Tyra, although I'm so happy that they're together). We don't need another.
  • Jason going to Mexico for surgery. Same reason as above. Also, when Jason said he was going to get the surgery, I just kept thinking of last week's 30 Rock episode when Jenna asks about her crazy surgical options. Yeah.
I think things are on the up and up here, and it seems like that dumped body story line will start moving towards resolution next week, which should be great.