The MVO (Meredith voice over) goes on and on about addiction. We're treated to Mer and Derek doing the "horizontal mambo" (his words, not mine) and laughing and giggling until Mer tells him the relationship can be sex only b/c she's effed up in the head (more on that later too). Then we cut to George and bat-shit crazy Izzie sitting downstairs. George has suddenly realized that he married Callie b/c he was sad over his father's death and thought it would have made the old guy happy. Well, duh, jackass, we've known this for a while now. Izzie's sitting there smiling and making crazy eyes at George and nodding rapidly, probably thinking that she and George are about to do the horizontal mambo again as well. Thankfully, George still wants to be an upstanding guy and will not do anything with Izzie until he ends things with Callie. While I don't agree with his choices, I can respect that. After he leaves, Izzie remains on the couch looking crazy and whispering "He loves me." Psycho. Cristina sits alone in apartment, staring at all her wedding presents (there's like a truckload of gifts sitting there). She starts fitfully ripping them open, b/c she's ANGRY people, or did you not get that.
At the hospital, Callie's struggling with being Chief Resident. I think we all have to feel bad for her. She's a nice girl, she doesn't deserve being crapped on all the time, which will unfortunately happen for most of the episode. The case of the week is a bunch of people who were hurt in a meth lab explosion (thus working the addiction stuff from the MVO into the plot.....oh Grey's, you're always so subtle). The lady is pretty badly hurt, but Derek performs his neuro magic and makes her better. The guy is pretty much unscathed, but his baby can't stop crying b/c he's all hopped on meth. Alex gets assigned to the baby, and stupidly confronts the dad, who knocks him out and runs away with the kid. This leads to a nice scene where Alex and Bailey observe a surgery and Bailey lays into him b/c he asks her too. He thanks her, but I think she's the one who's really thankful since she's makes a little o-face and seems like she needs a cigarette once she's done. Have I mentioned that I love Bailey? If I ever met her on the street I think I'd ask her to yell at me. Meredith gets stuck working in the clinic with Lexie, who just stares at her and tries to be friendly and nice, two Meredith does not want from her. She tells her as much and perky Lexie tries to explain that she's really great if Mer would just get to know her, but Mer responds that she can't b/c Mer's dad basically ditched her so he could go have new family and that's why she can't commit to Derek. Wait a sec, Mer has daddy issues? No way! (It was really nice though to her her say it. At least she's knows she's dysfunctional, and that's half the battle).
I feel like I'm missing someone. Oh yeah, Cristina spends the whole day avoiding MAMA BURKE, who came back to get some of Burke's things. While waiting for Cristina, MAMA lays into Meredith for what she said at the wedding (Good job, MAMA), tells Derek to stand up for himself, and tells George that he's too young to stay in a loveless marriage. When Cristina finally talks to her, MAMA is actually nice: she tells Cristina she's a strong woman and that she'll be ok. When Cristina asks if her visiting means that Burke won't be coming back to say goodbye, MAMA says yes, but we already knew that b/c Burke's over on Bionic Woman doing Bionic things that don't involve doctors. Oh, and MAMA awesomely gets rid of all the wedding presents for Cristina.
Other things I liked:
- Cristina trading her wedding presents for favors and good surgeries.
- Bailey yelling at Lexie and intern number 2 for acting incompetent in the clinic. Along the same lines, Cristina yelling at her interns and only calling them by numbers. I hope this goes on for a while.
- The eye-acting (whenever any of the characters are in the OR, wearing masks, and having conversations about big plot points that require them to give meaningful looks to each other). Case in point: Crazy Izzie stupidly telling Callie that she thinks she's doing a good job as Chief Resident, which immediately makes Callie figure out that George is having an affair. Seriously, if you're going to steal her husband, you can't feel bad about it.
Things I didn't like:
- The Chief ripping into Callie for losing the baby. Dude, you made her chief resident when Bailey obviously should have been. You don't get to yell at her all the time as a result.
- George and Crazy Izzie's (Crizzie? Just trying out a new nickname) encounter in the hallway. Standing that close to each other and speaking w/o kissing is just uncomfortable to watch. (I have a pet peeve about close talkers, so maybe its just me).
I think that covers most of the bases. What do you guys think? Is the Gizzie storyline becoming more palatable to you, or do you think the writers are still taking meth? Does Mer deserve the bat-shit crazy title too or is she just sad for being so effed up in the head? And what about poor Callie? Ok, that's it for this installment.