Friday, October 5, 2007
The Busiest Night on Television
I'm not quite sure how this happened, but Wednesday's have suddenly become my busiest TV watching night. I find this amazing since every show I've watched or tried to watch or DVRed so I could watch it later wasn't even on the schedule last season. Of the 14 shows airing on Wednesdays, 9 are new. All of ABC's shows are new (a risky move, but ultimately a good one I think, giving the strong ratings it's gotten from them so far), and 4 of the 5 shows that air at 9 p.m. are new. All of this newness, while exciting has made it very difficult for me to figure out what I should be watching. I recorded Pushing Daisies so I could watch Back to You (which was good this week, but not nearly as funny as last week, which I hope is just a one time aberration and not a trend). I watched Private Practice with my roommate and forgot to record Bionic Woman (that title just makes me laugh. I don't know why, it just does) and Gossip Girl (which is still the best TV show that you should never tell anyone you've seen.....wait, I shouldn't be telling you that), and I watched DSM and recorded Life, but I still haven't had a chance to watch it. Complicating matters, my old college roommate is visiting this weekend (which should be a lot of fun, b/c we used to get ourselves into quite a bit of trouble back in the day), meaning I will not be able to catch up on things until at least Monday, not to mention all of the Thursday night shows I'm supposed to watch. We're only two weeks into the new season and I already feel overwhelmed. I'm obviously going to need to cut a couple shows, but I'm not sure which ones those should be. Any advice?