So I finally watched Cougar Town, in case you couldn't tell. I successfully avoided any and all reviews today, so that I could form my own opinion, and I'm sure glad I did, because I'll be honest I like this show. I lolled (the verb form of LOL, in case you didn't know) quite a bit. Like quite a bit. Now that's not to say that this show doesn't have some problems. The pacing felt a little off, which made it hard to get a laugh in at one joke, because they were already off to the next one. Additionally, the fact that Cox's character will wind up sleeping with/dating/marrying Josh Hopkins' character was as subtle as Blake Lively's boobs at the Emmys (AWESOME). Additionally, this show requires quite a bit of suspension of reality (as do most shows, but whatever.) Some examples:
- We are supposed to believe that Cox has a hard time attracting men because she is over 40. I'm sorry, but have you seen her lately? I don't care if she can pull at her elbow skin, she's HOT. Does attractiveness work differently in Florida? If so, she should consider moving up north. There's plenty of people here who would like to keep her warm at night, and also have sex with her, in case you didn't get my meaning. Also, she has posters of her boobs plastered all over town with information on how to find her. It's like shooting fish in a barrel, or at the very least a very good playbook for stalkers. Either one really.
- Her friend, Laurie (played by Busy Phillips), would just drop a guy off at her house, and said guy would just go along with it. Actually, scratch that, that's totally believable. Especially if Courtney Cox is in the equation. The guy would be an idiot not to.
- She would try to offer said guy snacks that she makes for her son's friends. Hilarious, but no.
- They would have sex three times, and move out to the pool where she would "do that thing she always told her husband she hated but doesn't," only to have her son and ex-husband come home and find her. Unless that guy is a minute man, there's no way ALL that could have happened in the three hours her son was out with her husband.
- She chases the teenage boy who been stealing her signs (which prominently feature her cleavage) all the way back to his house, where she has a heart to heart with him about how hard it is to be alone while his mother stands in the doorway. Uh, no, because that puts her on the Mary Kay LeTourneau path of cougaring, which is icky and gross.
"Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to end up like Ms. Pritchard." "Nope, I don't think you're frame could handle those."--Jules and Laurie, referring to the math teacher and her fake boobs.
"And remember, if I ever catch you two drinking and drinking, I'm going to show everyone that baby picture of you two holding each other's small."--Monica. Ah, a mother's love.
"This is from that night we drunk on Amaretto and played dress up."--Jules. My first LOL
"Wow you are really black. That is so handsome on you."--Jules. NO ONE WOULD EVER SAY THAT.
"Stop having sex with babies, really."--Jules to Grayson (Josh Hopkins). Sounds very uncomfortable out of context.
"Hey you left that at the bar, bitch."--Laurie, about the boy toy.