Sunday, September 13, 2009

True Blood: Michelle Forbes is Funny Lady. I'm Still Scared of Her Though.

People magazine interviewed Michelle Forbes, aka Maryann, aka That Crazy Bitch, in advance of this evening's season finale. Turns out she is funny! My favorite quotes include:

“I’m really very nice. Everyone’s getting so scared when they meet me now. I could kill [show creator] Alan Ball.”

"It sort of flip-flopped between very disturbing and just another day at work, as odd as that sounds. You just sort of get used to it."--in response to a question about what it's like to film one of Maryann's famous sex parties.

You can read the entire interview here. So while it seems that Forbes is actually a real, normal person, I still won't be able to look at her without cringing in fear. Sorry. I cannot wait for this evening's finale. Cannot. Wait.