Wednesday, September 2, 2009

BREAKING NEWS: Katherine Heigl Takes a Hiatus from Grey's

So I'm starting to believe in the power of my crazy Grey's know, the one I mentioned the other day. The first time I posted it, they almost killed Izzie off Grey's. Then I posted it again yesterday, and today I find out Katherine Heigl is taking a five-episode hiatus from the show to go film a movie. I'm very curious to see what happens if I post it again in the future. Maybe Shonda Rhimes will shave her head and attack a car with an umbrella? Or maybe Meredith will get knocked unconscious and have a dream about all the Grey's characters sent back in time to the 60s where they all dress and act very Mad Men-esque? I'm not sure, but I know I'm probably not going to be looking forward to these Heigl-less episodes. Izzie may be bat shit crazy, but at least she gives us something to talk about. Grey's without her will probably be kind of boring. I wonder how they'll explain her absence. My fearless prediction: People stop paying attention to Izzie, so she goes on a rampage and takes Cristina hostage, which requires a SWAT team to descend on the hospital. Once they capture her, they send her off to a sanitarium to calm down. It would be the perfect sweeps plot, don't you think?