Thursday, October 30, 2008

Goodbye, Holly Flax

Oh Holly, I'm going to miss you. I loved your quirkiness. You were so sweet and odd and perfect for Michael. I'm sorry to see you go. But the fact that you are going means Pam is probably not and that makes me VERY happy. I've been really worried about Jim and Pam and the amount of time they've been spending apart. I was even more worried when Jim's brothers started to mock Pam, regardless of whether or not they thought it was a joke, because at this point I will be suspect of anything that could potentially impede their marriage. Everything turned out ok and it seems the brothers were simply hazing Pam by making fun of her chose profession. Now when is Pam moving back to Scranton.

But back to Holly. Holly has to move back to NH since corporate found out that she and Michael were dating. This leads to an awkward road trip where they break up in the car with Darryl listening (Darryl tried to make a phone call so he wouldn't have to listen. Hilarious). The whole plot just left me feeling sad. I like Holly. I hope they figure out a way for her to come back. Also, Amy Ryan is totally getting a Guest Comedy Actress for this stint. She was wonderful.

Finally, I loved, loved, LOVED, Dwight taunting Andy by embracing all the Cornell stuff. Because someone like Andy would TOTALLY get pissed about someone posing, just like that time I was at happy hour ans we tried to figure out if the guy in the Harvard sweatshirt ACTUALLY went to Harvard. I digress. But seriously, when did Dwight learn how to taunt someone like this? Has he been paying attention to Jim? It made him so much more interesting. Also, loved Andy dressed up as a farmer. Hilarious.

Finally, I think we need to run through the Halloween costumes from the opening segment, because I rewound the the show three times to make sure I got all of them. We had:
  • Kelly as Carrie Bradshaw
  • Phyllis as Raggedy Ann
  • Ryan as Gordon Gekko
  • Creed as the Joker, which will be giving me nightmares thank you.
  • Oscar as Uncle Sam.
  • Meredith as a (slutty) cheerleader.
  • Kevin as a less good Joker
  • Angela as a cat
  • Andy as a Cat from CATS. Hah.
  • Jim wearing a name tag that says Dave.
  • Pam as Charlie Chaplin, or Hitler with a hat.
  • And Dwight as the Joker too, making a reference to the pencil "magic trick". AHHHHH.
And now time for some quotes:

"Who are you, Larry King?" "Gordon Gekko." "Oh from the insurance commericals."--Kelly and Ryan

"And I can't even take off my hat. Because then I'm Hitler."--Pam dressed as Charlie Chaplin.

"Allergies? Did Darryl touch you?"--Michael to Holly's crying.

I would say this was an ok episode, but I would much rather have seen them explore the Halloween stuff a bit more as I think that would have made for a much, much more interesting episode. Oh well.