Thursday, October 9, 2008

Rain, Rain, Go Away, But Please Let Dr. Wyatt Stay

Rain is nice. Rain is cleansing. Tonight's Grey's was full of rain (ok it was water from a burst pipe, but that doesn't work with my metaphor), and boy did we need it. We're two weeks removed from the nice, but awfully long and expository season premiere, and tonight's episode washed away that boringness and brought us some nice good Grey's. We had lots of interactions between the main characters, a nice balance between medical and personal, and good acting from our main stars. Let's break it down.

Stuff I liked:
  • Dr. Wyatt. I don't think we can ever see enough of that lady. I want Meredith to stay in therapy forever.
  • The Chief being a hardass. These people need to learn how to be professional in their workplace. I did not approve of him yelling at Bailey though, but in the end she was right and he was grovelling (a bit) so I guess it all worked out.
  • Sandra Oh's face twitching and Ellen Pompeo's eyes bulging. They were blink and you miss them moments, but they were nice touches by two fine actresses.
  • Callie and Hahn and Sloan, because I like the way they interact with each other.
  • Alex calling Lexi a lexipedia because of her photographic memory, Hah.
Things I did not like:
  • Alex treating Izzie like an ass but then revealing that he's secretly in love with her. I'm sorry, this is not the fifth grade.
  • Derek trying to get Alex and Izzie to move out. Baby steps, dude, or do you want Mer to run out on you? (Kudos to Mer for standing up to him at the end).
  • The drama surrounding George taking his test, but perhaps that's because I'm sick of George. Lexi can do better.
And now it's time for a special weekly feature for Grey's--The BSCI Index. As you may or may not know, BSCI stands for Bat Shit Crazy Izzie. Given the characters past behavior (see cutting the LVAD wire, sleeping with George, performing a procedure on deer, etc.), I think it's important that we monitor her behavior on a weekly basis. The BSCI Index ranges from 1 to 10, where one is doing something normal like breathing and not speaking and 10 is her making the crazy eyes and stealing hearts from other transplant patients. Now given her limited number of weird outbursts this evening (the muffin incident near the beginning of the episode) coupled with her actually acting like a human being (acting sad and telling Mer she felt like she had no one), I think we can safely set the BSCI Index for this evening at a 4.5. Not too bad for our resident psycho, I must say. Now time for some quotes:

"Eat the muffin. Taste the muffin. Remember the muffin."--Izzie. Was that a sexual metaphor?

"The hair, it's one of the things that makes me happy."--Mer about Der.

"What would you prefer Meredith: chocolate cake or an STD?"--Izzie. Well this time she's talking about sex without a metaphor.

All in all a good episode, and the previews for next week look good as well. I think Grey's may have returned to form, and that makes me very happy.