Tonight our favorite crazy had to help the patient who was supposed to get the heart she stole for Denny. Yeah. Not good. Even worse, Hahn finally found out what Izzie had done. Even worse, Hahn went berserk and demanded the Chief punish her further and even threatened to report Izzie to UNOS, which would mean the hospital would lose it's status as a transplant center. Even worse, Hahn made Izzie continue to work with the patient and told her she would be personally responsible if he died. But worst of all, and I do mean this in every sense of the word worst, the Bat Shit One started seeing Denny all over the hospital, staring at her and not saying word. Now where I come from seeing dead people is not a good thing. Not a good thing at all. Also not a good thing--talking to yourself. But our girl here did a lot of both tonight. And given the way the episode ended, I don't think either of those things will stop anytime soon. For that reason,I'm going to move BSCI index up to 9.5 , if only because we avoided the histrionics of the whole heart-stealing plot. This is very bad boys and girls, although maybe just maybe, Izzie will completely lose it and have to get shipped off to a mental hospital and thus out of our lives forever. We can only hope.
Elsewhere in Seattle Grace, Dr. Major Hunt awesomely tried to teach the residents to be professionals. It was like he said everything every viewer has ever thought was wrong with the way they practice medicine. At first I thought it was because of the weird tension he had with Cristina, but no, he's just an awesome good person. I loved how he tried to ream her at the end (probably because he couldn't understand how he could be attracted to someone so awful) and Cristina's whole response, which was just pitch perfect acting by Sandra Oh. She basically told him matter-of-factly that's she's so all in on the life saving thing because she watched her father die, felt his heart stop beating, when she was nine years old. I could never understand what that would feel like, but it definitely makes her driveness make sense, and also helps us understand why she's such a bitch sometimes (because deep down she does care, but she's so emotionally screwed up--like everyone else on this show--that she doesn't express feelings correctly). And that look Dr. Major Hunt had afterwards? Dude is in love. I give them three episodes max before they're doing it.
Other things I liked:
- Derek getting Sloan to seduce Cristina and Sloan failing miserably. Because as if.
- The Chief screwing with George while working on the surgery doll. Hilarious.
- The interns peforming medical procedures on themselves, only because I know it's not going to end well.
- The sweet old couple, because they were adorable.
- Ellis' journals being nothing more than a play-by-play of her surgical career. Mer could totally get them published as textbooks and get rich.
- This episode being the end of Hahn and Callie and the last we see of Hahn, because regardless of how you feel about lesbians, the character and the actress deserved better (if you have no idea what I'm talking about I suggest you check Michael Ausiello's article on the subject from Monday).
- Lexie being creepy and getting all those corpses into an empty room. Because while I admire her effort, I agree with Bailey: that was WRONG.
- The Mer voice overs, which sounded like babbling.
"The counseling is a good move. Addison and I did counseling." "Right before you got divorced."--Derek and Bailey
"I need you to have sex with Cristina Yang." "Good Morning."--Derek and Sloan
"Tell Stevens to find me so I can permanently throw her off my service."--Hahn
"Bow to me I am the Queen of the Interns. I have assembled an army of the dead to teach us things."--Lexie
"I see dead people."--Cristina walking into the secret cadaver lab. Amazing.
"When your dead mommy teaches you things, can you see her?"--Izzie to Mer. She's so crazy
"That woman is not a single malt scotch, my friend. She is bad cheap wine that gives you a headache you can feel in your teeth."--Sloan about Yang
So what did you all think? I'm torn because I HATE IZZIE but I like watching her go crazy. It looks like her spiral will continue next week, according to the previews. You've been warned.