Thursday, November 13, 2008


Well I think we saw tonight what happens when you make Shonda Rhimes really mad. Isaiah Washington made her mad and got written off the show. But Katherine Heigl? Ooh lordy she did something much worse (which we know was complaining about her storyline). Shonda must be M-A-D. That's the only explanation for what she's doing to the character of Izzie Stevens. You all thought we had hit bottom with the whole Gizzie thing? Nope this one is so much worse. Why? IZZIE IS TALKING TO DEAD PEOPLE. And by people I mean Denny. Seriously, I thought we were done with this storyline. I don't feel like reliving it. Unfortunately that crazy Shonda disagrees. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for torturing Izzie. As a character she sucks. But seriously, having her talk to and interact with her dead fiancee? Come on. That's not even remotely believable. Grey's has never been about reality, but this is just too much. Mark your calendars, because tonight was the point of no return for this show. I don't see how anyone can continue watching after this. This show has so far jumped the shark that it probably jumped the sea lion, the giant squid, and the whale as well. I mean, seriously? SERIOUSLY? WHAT THE FUCK? Bitch is destroying Denny's memory. I HATE IT. UGGHHHHHHHHHH. Oh, and given that she was talking normally with a DEAD PERSON, the BSCI Index has reached a 10.

Izzie wasn't the only big problem with tonight's episode. The whole Hahn departure thing has me pretty pissed off. Erica Hahn is not the kind of woman who would just up and quit her job because she had a fight with her girlfriend. She was all business all the time at the hospital. If anything, she would have gone after the Chief and gotten him in trouble for the Izzie cover-up, because she's a woman with principles and she's a fighter. Instead of a logical resolution, however, we get a classic Grey's deus ex machina and Hahn is gone, leaving Callie to mope around and then breakdown after her patient (who she built legs for...awesome) dies. That ain't right. Not fair to Callie. Nope.

While Hahn is gone, apparently her place as the other blonde doctor is being filled by Sadie (we don't learn her last name), Meredith's friend from before medical school, played by the magnificent Melissa George. Many of you will remember her as the heinously evil Lauren Reid on Alias. Apparently she's supposed to channel a bit of crazy for her new role as well. A little bit more about Sadie: she and Mer have pet names for each other: Death and Die. She used to work in a morgue. She likes taking risks. She also likes crashing Lexie's secret surgery club, taking off her shirt, cutting her back, and asking people to stitch her up. I doubt her character is long for this world. We can't have two bat shit crazy blond doctors (not that Sadie is bat shit yet, but she may be headed there). She's an unnecessary addition to an already bloated cast. Ughh. (Still love Melissa George though, even though she was the bitch who took Vaughn away from Sydney.)

Ok, now that I'm done complaining let's talk about the bright spots:
  • Derek and Meredith. Their relationship is so cute now. I love that they're asking each other to do things and then they do them. And I like that Derek is making Mer care about Lexie because she needs someone at this point because......
  • Shit is going to hit the fan for Lexie's little surgery lab. I mean seriously, how much longer is she going to get away with it? Not much, if the previews for next week are any indication. THIS IS GOING TO BE GOOD PEOPLE. The Chief is going to lose his shit when he finds out. I CAN'T WAIT.
  • Cristina and Dr. Major Hunt. They have some serious chemistry. You could see it when he was tying her gown in the ambulance bay at the beginning of the episode. You could also see it when they made out at the end (after a little bit of yelling on his part). He's the opposite of Burke and exactly what she needs right now.
  • Cristina being jealous of Sadie, because she would get like that.
  • Virginia Dixon, played by the fabulous Mary McDonnell. I liked how she played the character, who has Asperger's (a form of autism). I think she would be an interesting presence in the hospital over the long term, so they need to figure out how to make that happen (supposedly she's back next week, so I'll have more to say then). My favorite part: when she told Bailey she didn't like the hospital at all. Not many people do right now, Dr. Dixon, not many do.
Also, one more for the don't like list: the pairing of Lexie and Sloan, which looks like it may happen. Derek and Mark are not meant to be brothers in law. This feels like a random pairing and I do not like it.

Time for a few quotes:

"So she's your pre-Cristina Cristina?"--Derek to Mer about Sadie.

"We have rules and rules are rules and laws are laws. No."--Crazy Dr. Dixon to the patient asking for his heart back.

"Were the other ones taken off my case?" "Not that I'm aware of." "Then why are you talking to me?" --Dr. Awesome Dixon to Cristina

"So who wants to stitch me up?"--Crazy Sadie after stripping her top off and cutting her back. Sex metaphor anyone?

"I need you to tell Mark to keep his little Sloan out of little Grey."--Mer to Der. Sex metaphor.

"Shut it down."--Cristina to the interns. Jack Donaghy say the same thing all the time too.

Grey's is on life support, makr my words, and I'm not sure it's going to be able to recover.