More important than the plans though was the big reveal (although when it was teased in the trailers I thought it was part of a joke): Apparently the COUGAR is Lord Marcus' stepmother, which makes her a duchess. That's right, she's Duchess COUGAR. Like I needed another reason to like her more. That didn't stop her from giving me one, though. Duchess COUGAR, the generous spirit that she is, offered to help young Nate with his family's financial troubles. What does she get in return? Nate becomes her part-time lover (although at the rate they're going it seems like a full-time job). That's right boys and girls, Nate has almost achieved my life's great ambition: he's become Duchess COUGAR's kept man. Sigh. So nice.
Other things I liked:
- Chuck trying to help Nate financially without telling him. That's a good friend.
- Serena waking up on the beach. She's definitely going to be a cougar one day.
- Vanessa settting up the coffee shop in the art gallery. I think we're going to be seeing more trips to Brooklyn.
- The Hamptons Jitney. The bathroom on that bus just got a whole lot dirtier, but in a good way.
- Blair blackmailing Duchess COUGAR. They don't call her Queen B for nothing.
- Kristen Bell's voiceovers. I would love it if in one episode they had her wandering in the background of scenes when delivering her narration. That way we get to see her AND hear her dulcet tones.
- Vanessa getting stood up for dinner. Poor girl needs to let N go.
- The weird ass conversations between Vanessa and Rufus. I did not like the weird chemistry I thought I detected and the show better not go there. (Do you hear me, show? Do you?)
"There is no we in summer. Only "U" and "ME". "--GG (GG is so wise)
"Not to me Basshole."--B
"As long as he know his arse from his Arsenal, I think he's Aces."--B
"I thought you'd like to meet my friend."-- C
"Why so she can inform me about the effects of too much botox?" --B
"Lordy, lordy look who's 40, or at least a well preserved 38." --GG
"I think she recognized part of herself in me. Or I recognized someone in her." --B, about Duchess COUGAR. Hehe.
So that's it from me, boys and girls. What did you think of tonight's episode? What about Nate's kept man status? (I refuse to call him a gigolo, unless Duchess COUGAR passes him on to her friends). See you all next week (or tomorrow if you're a regular reader).