Carter Bays (HIMYM's exec producer for those you who don't know), get out of my head. While I enjoy watching my life on TV, it's starting to get a little creepy. Case in point: Ted and Barney's little discussion about buying a bar. Not only have I had that conversation many, many times, I actually just told an interviewer that my life's dream is to open a bar/restaurant. So yeah.
Seriously though, I don't understand how this show hasn't been nominated for a Best Comedy Emmy yet. Yeah sure, it's not edgy like those cable comedies, or super smart like 30 Rock, but this show is consistently funny, week in and week out, and has built a wonderfully consistent internal world (I'm still waiting for the next slap and the appearance of the goat). The ratings have been up significantly this season, and I can only hope that the awards will follow.
Ok, so back to tonight's episode. The backdrop: a 3-day blizzard. Ted and Barney try to keep McClaren's open so they can meet up with two college girls from Arizona Tech (Barney needs to complete his bingo card, and yes, it's THAT kind of bingo) who are in a band. The girls show up, and bring their bandmates with them. Oh, bt-dubs, they're in a marching band, so Ted and Barney have a little bit of a problem on their hands. Yada, yada, yada, they invite everyone back upstairs, and Barney gets his bingo.
Meanwhile, Lily and Marshall are trying to put an end to one of their relationships rituals--picking each other up from the airport and bringing a six-pack of beer with them--since the relationship has "matured." (Sidenote: I get that the way they said "matured" was supposed to be a joke, but it's really fucking annoying.) Except that neither of them can do it because they think it will mean the end of their relationship, in that really, really sweet, makes you want to vomit a little bit but is still really nice kind of way. Marshall makes Robin drive him to the airport, which allows us to see a nice conversation between Marshall and Robin about how she expresses love, which I think is laying the groundwork in a very subtle way for her getting together with Barney. Lily, on the other hand, uses favorite cab driver Rajit to go to a liquor store to get beer. Both get to the airport, but seemed to have missed each other. Why you ask? It all goes back to the 3-day blizzard. The Robin/Marshall story happened on Tuesday (Marshall realizes he missed a call from Lily saying her flight had been canceled and she wouldn't be back until two days later), the Ted/Barney plot happened on Wednesday (Marshall went to the party), and the Lily plot occurred on Thursday, which was really fortunate since it allowed Marshall to use the marching band he met the night before to greet Lily at the airport. Seriously, I'm such a sucker for such corny sentimentality. I loved how Marshall wondered if he was going to have to this every time now and Lily, with tears in her eyes, immediately went "Yup, yup, yup." Loved it. Loved it. Loved it. More, more, more of this show please.