Let me lay it out for you: I'm a person who HATES being wrong. Even worse is when I have to admit it. I'd rather just pretend that I never said it at all in the first place. This being a blog, however, where people can just go back and double check what I've said, I think I might, and I repeat MIGHT, have to retract the disparaging comments I made last night about the upcoming 3 episode arc, because based on these two clips, I think we're looking at some pretty interesting story:
First, off let me say that I could give a shit about the patient right now. I'm much, much more interested in the dynamic of having just Hunt, Shepard, Mer, and Cristina working on the patient because there is all sorts of juicy story there to explore: Hunt and Cristina's blossoming romance, the tension between Mer and Cristina because of the solo surgery stuff, Mer and Der finally having some issues. Even better, it looks they're going to be taking sides, with Mer and Hunt on one and Derek and Cristina on the other. We could be seeing a return to some old school Grey's here (I'm thinking of those season 1 episodes with the rape victim and the guy with pins in his head, where the cases were both compelling AND believable AND caused some real tension for our favorite docs). So, I'm cautiously optimistic. I mean, after all we've yet to see any clips of what is sure to be the HEINOUSLY AWFUL Bat Shit Crazy Izzie-Denny-Alex subplot.