- Why is the FBI backing off? Well on the surface this seems like an easy one: They want to make sure Ellen hasn't blown her cover. Little do they realize that Patty has recreated 1984 in her offices. I just hope these agents are clean and aren't actually in someone else's pocket, or--even worse--in Patty's pocket as part of some elaborate scheme to ensure Ellen is loyal. I know that is a little far-fetched, but this is Patty Hewes we're talking about.
- Why is Ellen so stupid? The FBI tells her Patty may know something, so back off, and what does Ellen do? (1) She uses the office computer to look up the connection between Patty and Purcell. I'm sorry, but if the woman has the office bugged, I'll bet she has some kind of keystroke tracking program installed on all of the computers. (2) She blatantly looks through old office files. Yeah, that's a good idea. (3) She calls the FBI from her Blackberry in her hotel room. Um, Ellen, if you really think Patty tried to have you killed why wouldn't she bug your hotel room as well? (4) SHE ASKS TOM POINT BLANK ABOUT PATTY AND PURCELL. Yeah, Ellen, asks Patty's lapdog questions about her personal life (And you've got to love Tom's response: "If Patty wanted us to know, she'd tell us." Grow a pair, dude.) (5) When Tom won't give her an answer, SHE ASKS PATTY. Which leads to my next point.
- Why is Glenn Close such a good/scary actress? Go back and watch the scene where Ellen asks Patty about Purcell and Patty responds with "What are you implying Ellen?" Now slow it down and look at each of their eyes. Patty asks the question with what can only be called a look of glee, like a lion toying with it's prey before going in for the kill. Then we have Ellen, who is all wide-eyed like she's in over her head. I'm not sure if this was Rose Byrne acting or Rose Byrne being wide-eyed because she's just in awe of Glenn Close. It was kind of amazing.
- Why is Patty opening up to Ellen? Patty, you tried to have her killed, play your cards a little bit closer to the vest. Unless this is some sort of calculated misdirection, which I totally would not put past Patty. And if that's the case, it seems to be working, because why would Ellen want the FBI to go back to a case that happened before Patty even had her own firm. I doubt she would have started her deviousness that early.
- Why reveal now that Purcell is Michael's father? I'm guessing Michael is going to find this out later in the season, which will lead him to reveal some choice information about Patty in retaliation.
- What is Purcell's relationship to the reported is West Virginia? No idea.
- Did Purcell kill his wife? I think yes, or at the very least he paid to have her killed. She must have found something out about his dealings with Ultima National Resoures. What I do not know.
- When did Purcell and Claire Maddox start their affair? I'd just like to know the context, that's all.
"Don't manage me......I'm not a goddamn child." "Then stop acting like one. Now shut your mouth and do as I say."---Purcell and Patty. You better listen to her, Purcell, if you know what's good for you.
"Have you ever met Daniel Purcell?" "Once or twice."--Purcell's boss and Claire Maddox. Oh yeah, she's "met" him all right.
"I don't believe a word you say."--Patty to Purcell. Pot calling the kettle black much?